About Ayla

About Ayla

Posted by Apollo Theme on
Hello. My name is Ayla Hutchinson, I am 25 years old now and I live in Taranaki, one of the most beautiful places in New Zealand. If you don't know where New Zealand is, we are close to Antarctica and part of Australasia in the Southern hemisphere. 

I enjoy photography, sculpture, hanging out with my family and friends and enjoying nature.
Although New Zealand is a tropical area, it can get VERY cold in the winter.  Taranaki is the name for our mountain and our region. When Taranaki is covered  in snow, it is time to light the fires. When you are cold, you can never get the fire going fast enough. Lots of little kindling helps fires to start quickly and this is why I invented the Kindling Cracker™ firewood splitter (that, and to make sure my mum kept  all of her fingers and limbs intact!).
The Kindling Cracker™ firewood splitter started out as a school science project at the age of 13 and it is now sold all around the world with the help of my amazing family and some really cool distributors.

If you are like me, you don't like being cold, you need a Kindling Cracker firewood splitter. I hope you are enjoying yours.
You don't have one yet? Why not? Just press here
to go to my 'Buy Now page' to order one. Please write and tell me how you like it. Stay warm!